Wednesday, 18 September 2013

3 Essential Tips to Support Sustainable Packaging

If you want to give your product an exotic and spanking new look then, you have to look for increasingly greener packaging designs that meet current ecological needs. We know an attractive packaging is a huge part of modern consumerism. So, manufacturers are prepared to spend time and money creating eye-catching designs that will stand out from the crowd.

The new trend of eco-friendly packaging is rapidly growing and spreading throughout the food, clothing and other general product market. Although, it’s a heavy cost to this process but, it is useful in saving our earth from landfill caused by millions of tons of waste. A large number of consumers are getting aware and choosing the more eco-friendly packaging alternative when they shop.

Earth Friendly Packaing Company
Earth Friendly Packaing Company
Brand owners, retailers and many environmental friendly packaging companies are all forced to reduce the environmental impacts driven by different governmental regulations, consumer prospects, commercial goals, branding and logistics optimization.

By conserving natural resources and reduce wastage there are three elements that define the value of sustainable packaging:

• Recycle

Recycling waste materials can helps in reducing strain on the planet’s fragile resources and saves on wastage. When we recycle paper, plastic and glass; it actively reduce landfill and conserve valuable materials.

• Reuse

By selectively choosing material or products that can be reused various times can help in reducing wastage. As, many modern materials are used once they go straight to landfill once thrown away; so, try to buy materials that can be reused.

• Reduce

Reduce the size of packaging can save a large amount of paper, plastic and cardboard. Some packaging suppliers use eye-catching packaging to make products appear bigger than actually they are. So, this practice should be avoided to encourage recycled packaging.

Many packaging companies are finding innovative ways to package goods to gain an edge over competitors who are not participating. Although, these are expensive methods but, cutting back on packaging size can not only reduce wastage but they can also cut the cost of production.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Eco-Packaging Materials: Saving Our Beautiful Planet

Every time I go for shopping, I amuse myself by watching so many bags in my hand; taking pictures and getting excited about great eco-packaging. I usually put my considerable time into selecting the best packaging for my products, clothes, food stuff and plastic buys. Few products have minimal environmental impact from their packaging stuff but most of the products are causing massive ocean dumps full of plastic. I think of the question that we live without plastic or not? By watching the immense use of it I think, we can’t.

The problem is plastic is non-biodegradable; neither reused nor recycled. It is used for one time basis only and is made of harmful chemicals and materials. I think we all have probably heard of eco-friendly packaging materials made of different designs. The hottest thing is that it’s good for environment. I admire that big companies are taking the responsibilities to create environment friendly products wrapping to foresee that our future generations still enjoy the nature as we do today.

It’s good to know that there are still lots of people who care for our planet. Here are some of the creative and environment friendly packaging tips we should also keep in mind for future:

• Purchase recyclable packing materials.

• Choose beverage bottles that use less plastic.

• Go for brands that promote environmental awareness products.

• Reuse old designer fabrics by turning them into grocery tote bags.

• Use canvas totes, lunch bags, produce bags, water bottles, woven bags and more.

• Use the previously used boxes for gift wrapping as a sign of beauty and sustainability.

• Buy products that are not individually wrapped, bring your own reusable bag to the store.

• While shopping, identify the products with the label ‘recycled content’ or ‘post consumer content’.

• Make use of materials that are renewable such as wood pulp, paper polyactic acid materials and more.

Our dedication to the environment helps to prevent the damage and spoilage in terms of economy and ecology both. Good packaging also helps in the health and safety of the customers. We should encourage ourselves towards positive action and awareness surrounding the way we are literally saving our beautiful planet. Because, it’s time to go green!